Sunday, November 14, 2010

Let's go Lakers!

Pam, the guest-of-honor / recipient of Kayla's famous "castle cake" which she created with Lorna Jahn, came back to Kayla's Cookies & Crumbs for her son's 16th birthday. A big LA Lakers fan, Aaron's quarter-sheet cake is chocolate with orange and purple buttercream icing.

Kayla used wooden dowels, plywood and gallon jub lid safeties to create hoops at both ends. The court lines are made with purple icing and the L.A. Lakers graphic is orange fondant with purple details.

The reviews are in:
Pam says "Cake was awesome!!! I know where I'll be getting my cakes, etc. from now on!!!!!!"
And Jennifer, a guest at the party, says "This was the best chocolate cake ever because it was so moist! Tell Kayla that (my daughter) doesn't even eat cake but I let her have a bite of mine and she asked for Pam for a big piece and ate the entire thing!! SUPER YUMMY!!!!"

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