Saturday, November 20, 2010

Butterflies & Rainbows

Now it was time for Zofia's birthday and Christa commissioned Kayla to create a "butterflies and rainbows" cake. Kayla baked this yummy yellow cake, covered it in yellow buttercream, then created a red & orange basketweave.
The spotlight feature is the fondant butterfly handpainted with an stained-glass affect.

Client review: "it was beautiful and delicious!! One of the parents who does catering was so impressed with the stain glass on the butterfly!!"

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Let's go Lakers!

Pam, the guest-of-honor / recipient of Kayla's famous "castle cake" which she created with Lorna Jahn, came back to Kayla's Cookies & Crumbs for her son's 16th birthday. A big LA Lakers fan, Aaron's quarter-sheet cake is chocolate with orange and purple buttercream icing.

Kayla used wooden dowels, plywood and gallon jub lid safeties to create hoops at both ends. The court lines are made with purple icing and the L.A. Lakers graphic is orange fondant with purple details.

The reviews are in:
Pam says "Cake was awesome!!! I know where I'll be getting my cakes, etc. from now on!!!!!!"
And Jennifer, a guest at the party, says "This was the best chocolate cake ever because it was so moist! Tell Kayla that (my daughter) doesn't even eat cake but I let her have a bite of mine and she asked for Pam for a big piece and ate the entire thing!! SUPER YUMMY!!!!"

Saturday, November 13, 2010

2 Thumbs Up!

Kayla was commissioned by repeat customer Christa to create a cake for Bella's 9th birthday. Bella was going to celebrate with friends by watching a movie.

Kayla baked a 14" round yellow cake iced in buttercream frosting and then decorate along the sides like a movie reel. The top features a clapperboard image and 3-D popcorn created with colored mini marshmallow and a lot of creativity!
Christa said "The cake was fantabulous!!! It was so good and the kids loved it!"

Saturday, November 6, 2010


The Carter Sisters were planning a big Bunko & Elvis party for their mama's 70th birthday party and commissioned Kayla to create three square dice cakes to go with the bunko theme.

Kayla made a carrot with cream cheese filling, a white with white filling and a devil's food with chocolate filling. Using white and black fondant she created three dice cakes...

Kristine, our client, said the cakes were BIG hit. And considering Elvis was at the party, I'd say the cakes getting attention must have meant they were good.

Mad Scientist

Kayla was asked to create a birthday cake for Katie's Mad Scientist party. Katie wanted a chocolate cake that "wasn't too girly" and her favorite color is green.

I'll let you decide whether Katie liked the cake or not...

Katie's mom said "Please tell Kayla thank you so much for the wonderful cake. The Mad Science leader loved it too! They all agreed it was the best scientist they had seen on a cake." Megan said "It was yummy! And exactly what we were looking for." Thanks Megan & Katie!